American Labor Alliance standing the test of time
If you are working with or looking to work with American Labor Alliance, they have stood the test of time. Working with countless clients, and their employees, which become members, has allowed for communities and their respective driving workforce to create and foster better relationships
The negotiations with employers include matters of hours, wages, working conditions, and employee benefits.
All terms are structured to comply with applicable State and Federal Laws. Each Employee Benefit made available under the Collective Bargaining Agreements is structured to comply with federal law and to comply with ERISA. Their employee benefit plans ultimately assist employees and their families. The plans include retirement, healthcare, and workers’ compensation.
American Labor Alliance derives its authority to offer such benefits and services from the aforementioned, Federal Employee Retirement Security Act (ERISA). In order to comply with federal standards for participation, vesting, benefit accrual and funding, American Labor Alliance conducts itself under strict financial and regulatory structures.
American Labor Alliance is a national and international 501(c)(5) labor organization providing a wide variety of benefits and business services to over 7,000 members and their employers since 2006.